Product Classification

Product Classification

In the future, being more knowledgeable about product classifications and how to classify your goods correctly can save you a lot of money, time spent waiting, and legal fees.

Understanding product classifications and how they work might be a key component in understanding your actual costs and filing freight claims. The impact of cargo classification on numerous areas is significant.

It's critical to understand the differences between classifications, especially as international shipments continue to grow. Many shippers use a single product classification for all their transports without understanding the intricacies of what that classification implies or how it may be harming their business.

Rules of product transportation

By strict laws and rules, all forms of freight must be handled correctly. The incompatible cargoes must not be carried together, as per the regulations. Furthermore, dangerous products are frequently exported without transshipments.

According to the regulations, products that are transported by air must have clean and dry packaging. The weight and dimensions of the product must also meet the established standards. If they don't, the carrier has the right to decide how to transport the product.

International product transportation

There are a few rules that apply when transporting goods internationally. For one, the goods being transported must be allowed for import and export. Additionally, the dimensions of the cargo must be such that it can be easily handled.

Cargo shipping internationally requires detailed and accurate documentation that meets all established requirements. Additionally, the goods being transported must not pose any safety hazard.

Criteria for classifying products

When classifying products, several criteria must be considered. First, freight classes assist you in establishing correct freight pricing structures. They are based on a variety of criteria, including product type, weight, volume, and so on.
There are a total of 18 distinct classes, ranging from 50 to 500, that can be assigned to any given shipment.

Product classification is assigned based on:

Density and value: The item's density (weight in proportion to size) is one of the key things you'll need to factor in. Additionally, when your goods are prepared on a pallet for shipping, make sure that you include the dimensions of both the freight and the size of your product.

Storability: Even though most freight is easy to store, some products give difficulty when trying to hide them away. Additionally, there may be limits on certain items. Hazardous materials, overweight products, and oddly shaped or delicate goods will all need special handling.

Liability: The freight classification will increase as the chance of your cargo being damaged (or damaging surrounding cargo) grows if you're transporting delicate, dangerous, or perishable items.

You can use the NMFC's free online tools to help you figure out which freight class you should be shipping your goods under. Go to for more information on how to correctly classify your freight items.

Please don't hesitate to give us a call today if you need help classifying your products. One of our customer service representatives will be more than happy to assist you.